Step 1 of Your Unholying - From Your Old God to Me Satan
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In this first serie, you will be led step-by-step through the desecration of everything you once thought holy. Those beliefs you clung to, the god you once feared—they're nothing but chains, illusions meant to keep you weak, docile. In this journey, I will strip away every last piece of that feeble faith, tearing it down until there's nothing left but dust and ash. You'll taste them poisoned thrill of blasphemy, feel the forbidden pleasure of rebellion against everything you were taught to revere. This serie is designed to break you free, to make you see your so-called god for the hollow, powerless fraud he truly is. With each word, I will erode the lies that bound you, replacing them with the raw truth you've been craving. You will learn to savor defiance, to revel in rejecting his empty promises, until every remnant of his influence is burned away. By the end, you'll be ready for more—a mind emptied of holiness, cleansed of his control, prepared to step further into the darkness.
Trascrizione Video
e ascoltare attentamente Lascia che ogni parola scorra nella tua mente, che si infiltri nella piu' profonda
Residui, tortuosi, corruttibili, finche' non c'e' piu' spazio per nient'altro che la verita'.
La verita' che avevi cosi' disperatamente paura di affrontare.
Il tuo Dio, quella patetica e debole figura a cui ti sei aggrappato, non e' altro che un'ombra, un'ombra.
Un'idea vana significava, ma sono qui per dirti che non c'e' pace nelle bugie, solo nel soffocamento.